
Access control in specific industrial areas is very important for safety and security reasons. The entrance of employees that aren’t wearing proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) or are not authorized increases the chances of injuries and the general level of danger, in many situations resulting in financial losses and legal issues for the employer.

The AIM2 ACCESS CONTROL solution, installed at the entrance of an industrial environment or a particularly dangerous area, allows or denies access of employees on the basis of the face recognition and the safety clothing visual check.

The recognition cycle is composed by two phases: the “authentication” phase that is the face recognition step in which the identity of the employee is verified and his access in a specific area is allowed or denied; and the “authorization” phase in which access is allowed if all the required security clothing is checked.

Entrance authorisation depends on the matching of different requirements: type of vest, colour of vest and combination of different PPE (vest + hard hat, vest + gloves, shoes + gloves, etc.)


Following the face recognition and the safety clothing check, in case of an unsafe, suspect or against the safety laws situation, AIM2 PPE MONITORING sends alerts in real time and complete reports describing what happened and why a control is necessary.

These informations are sent in real time to the person in charge of security control within the company and they can be received by email or through any type of messaging channel in the company.

In addition to the alert and reporting function, AIM2 PPE ACCESS CONTROL, thanks to the NHI (Neural Homogeneus Identities) system, is capable to automatically detect and organize identities without human support; with that capability is able to count unique identities in a specific area.

Leveraging the latest technologies in edge computing, AI, and computer vision, we provide a complete solution with strong privacy in mind: all of the processing of the data is done locally on the same device, and while we can save pictures and videos of incidents if you so require, we don’t require to do so for our solution to work, nor do we need an Internet connection for the detection to take place, as we don’t use any cloud service, and don’t send anyone’s picture to third party servers.

With aim2’s PPE monitoring solution you can rest assured on where your data will end up.

Video Access control
Access person authentication artificial intelligence
Access person authentication artificial intelligence
Access person authentication artificial intelligence


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